007 | Stop Blaming The Algorithm! Making The Algorithm Work For You


Is the algorithm out to get you? If you've ever wondered how Instagram's algorithm actually works (and how you can make it work FOR YOU) this episode is for you, friend.

Today, I'm breaking down how IG's almight actually works, what it's looking for and how we can USE IT to boost our posts.

Here's a breakdown of the episode:

  • [03:54] WTF is an algorithm???

  • [05:00] Let's get into Instagram's algorithm...

  • [08:57] How does IG's almighty actually rank content today?

  • [13:47] Ways we can take advantage of Instagram's algorithm (and make it work for us!)

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008 | Purposeful Storytelling To Build Your Brand with Michelle Knight


006 | Finding Your Brand Voice + Writing Great Copy with Lauren Osselton